The simple farewell action at first takes place at Adelina’s fairytale summerhouse situated on the grounds. Vibrant green ribbon is wrapped across the main entrance and around the pillars. In my green dress I begin to make markings with chalk across the grey wooden shutters. Home sweet home. Home sweet home. This is Adelina’s summerhouse. This is Adelina’s summerhouse. ADELINA WAS HERE. ADELINA WAS HERE. The Nightingale. The Queen of Hearts.
By now the large grey shutters were covered in these declarations of Adelina’s presence. A reclamation of her space.
I gather the green ribbon and trail it behind me. My followers consist of Jo, a blonde lady and her beautiful small brunette child. The ribbon and the people trail behind me. Up the windy path towards the castle.
At the foot of the castle are two white billy goat statues. Weathered by time, these originals would have greeted Adelina’s guests on their arrival. One of these sad looking creatures would be my transport home. I mount the white animal, and create a makeshift rein with the green ribbon. With I click of my heel I hope to leap over the valley below and across the mountains. He doesn’t move. He is old and shabby and unloved. No wonder.
I wrap the ribbon around him. Decorate him. The green connects him with the luscious trees below. I then give him a huge farewell kiss.
Farewell Craig Y Nos.